8 Common mistakes designers make

Common Mistakes Designers Make During Creating a Design 2024

Every designer has their own perspective of creating designs and while trying to add a bit of variety to their designs they make slight mistakes which often get ignored by the designers.  So here we have a list of common design mistakes for you to be aware of. Although we have made most of these mistakes, we have learned from all the mistakes and hope they will help you too. designer working on design

1. Ignores client’s needs

In the excitement of new projects, designers don’t understand the client’s perspective of the project. They try to give their best according to their thoughts and ideas of designs but they need to understand that they need to think according to the customer needs. A lot of time can be wasted procrastinating, or working up design ideas that may not be relevant to the client’s needs. Instead, you need to read and understand the brief carefully, make notes, and try to keep in contact with the client to ensure that what you are working up is going perfectly. Customer satisfaction is the utmost important thing that can lead a project to heights.

2. Using the wrong typography and font overload

Using different kinds of fonts can be creative but if someone is trying to read through something that changes font types more than 10 times in an article it can be tiring and a bit irritating. Having a clear, formatted picture of a design is significant so it’s important not to use too many different fonts within a piece. You want your type to look consistent so don’t confuse the viewer by layering your page with lots of varied typefaces. As a general rule, try to use two fonts and use the different font weights to differentiate and highlight areas in a post. As well as deciding where to get your fonts from, your typography choices are equally important.

3. Use of stock images 

Stock imagery can be very helpful to a designer especially when your budget is not that strong. There is nothing wrong with using stock images but try to go easy on them. Using too many stock images can make your project look cheap and unprofessional. There is a disadvantage of stock images is that there are plenty of stock images out there that people will instantly recognise since they have seen them all over.

4. Overthinking everything

In the pear pressure designers try to make every bit of efforts to make the project good but sometimes it is just simplicity which requires. Just because you can add something doesn’t mean you have to. The more layouts in your design, the harder a viewer needs to think to extract the information. A design needs to develop on its own. Having blank space is not necessarily bad, and in many cases, it’s better than filling every square inch of blank space with something.If your design is filled with too many images, fonts, and colors, try to keep them minimum. That will help customers focus on the key business features that you want to highlight.

5. Check for spelling and grammar issues

It is very important for you to make the correct content. It should be grammatically correct and the spellings should be appropriate. Using the spell checker is great for finding misspelled words within your work but it won’t catch correctly spelt words in the wrong context. The words which have been used in the post should be relevant to the topics. For example, if you are distributing pamphlets as part of your ad campaign, and if the pamphlet design has many spelling and grammatical mistakes in the lines, it will go wrong. The customers will not take those mistakes easy. They may simply ignore your business as such silly spelling and grammatical mistakes convey unprofessionalism.

6. Not using the right design tools

You need to understand the fact that being a designer means coming out of your comfort zone. Some designers have been so fond of one tool that it becomes their all in all. They will even prefer to use it for work because the tool is inefficient. This is a mistake that needs to be stopped. It leads to wasting of time and decreases work quality. There are multiple designer tools which have different work abilities. And there are thousands of tools available in the market. You can make them use accordingly. The best product designs are the ones done with the best and most efficient tools. 

7. Copying other’s stuff

Art is all about originality and stuff which comes from creativity. So like art, designing something is all about originality.  originality is a key as a designer, copying will not go forgettable. Taking inspiration and a rough idea from others’ designs is fine but copying the whole content is not. In the 21st century, We all use social media and it is impossible for you to copy someone’s stuff and get unnoticed. Try to keep your credibility and keep your work authentic.

8. Over-Commitment then under-deliver

Out of all the mistakes, this is one of the most crucial mistakes that cannot be cured at the immediate moment. Over-promising things and delivering less can leave a bad impression on the clients. So when discussing deadlines and expectations with your client, you’ll want to make sure you don’t promise them something amazing, and then fail to meet that promise. It’s better to finish a project ahead of a long deadline than late on a short deadline. For your design needs, hire a freelance designer who can help you out with designs and all stuff. It would not only make the projects complete on time but also leave a good impression on the clients.


Graphic designers make common mistakes such as not understanding the instructions from the clients, not researching their business, raising their expectations due to extra promises, use of many fonts, and colours, and ending up making the design complex, and so on. It would be good if the designer keeps it simple. And we are here to help you out as always.

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